A walk in the sunshine

När snön vräker ner och blåsten viner i träden tycker jag att vi tar och drömmer oss tillbaka till en av de finare fast kallaste dagarna i vinter. En promenad med Adde på Kallfors golfbana med solen i ansiktet var inte helt dumt, fast det var riktigt kyligt. //When the snow is  pounding down and the wind is rushing through the trees outside I’d like to look back to the most beautiful although coldest days …

Sunday morning

We woke up around 8 and cozied in bed for a while before we decided to take a walk in the beautiful winter weather. The sun was shining, the landscape crisped white and just brilliant. We walked around the golf course and by the time we were done we were freezing and needed to warm ourselves quickly. We made brunch and continued watching the movie, we started yesterday and had warm coffee, soft boiled eggs, …


We woke up early eventhough we came “home” to My In-laws late. Adde was going skeet shooting so we got up together and made him breakfast. Andy’s Mom was up already, so we had some tea together before Andy left. It was slightly chilly… -21 C. But it sure was a beautiful morning… Andy sent a beautiful picture from the road, beautiful BUT cold as hell… Andy’s parents and I had breakfast and talked about …